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Amano-iwato Shrine and Amano Yasugawara

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This shrine venerates the nearby site of the Amanoiwato or holy rock cave where, according to Japan's oldest chronicles, the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, the sun goddess Amaterasu hid herself when she was angered by the violence of her brother Susano-o. Approximately 10 minutes on foot from the shrine is the Amano Yasugawara cave where eight million gods are said to have gathered to discuss how to lure Amaterasu Omikami from her cave.

View scenic routes that include this spot

Feeling the Mysteries of Nature in Tokyo and Kyushu

More Information about Amano-iwato Shrine and Amano Yasugawara

Street address

1073-1 Iwato, Takachiho-cho, Nishiusuki-gun, Miyazaki


  • Take the route bus from Takachiho Bus Center bound for Iwato

Opening Hours

8:30-17:00 (shrine office)


Open all year


Best season

All year


Although it is impossible to directly see Amano Iwato cave, which is a sacred object, if you inquire at the shrine and receive a ritual purification, a priest will give you a guided tour.
update: Jan.21.2025

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