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kunisaki Peninsula Minemichi Long Trail

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The Kunisaki Peninsula Minemichi Long Trail covers 10 courses that extend over 123 km in total. It is based on the Mineiri-gyo trail that monks of the Rokugo-Manzan temples on the Kunisaki Peninsula used to take on their ascetic training in ancient times. The Kunisaki Peninsula has retained its original Japanese landscape, and the Rokugo-Manzan temples which represent the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism, as well as the Setonaikai National Park, have been designated. Visitors can experience natural, historical, and cultural attractions while taking a walk through the landscape.

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A journey to explore traditions and innovative culture

More Information about kunisaki Peninsula Minemichi Long Trail

Street address

Kunisaki Peninsula, Oita Prefecture (6 courses in Kunisaki City, 4 courses in Bungotakada City)


Opening Hours



Best season

Feb., Mar., Apr., May, Jun., Oct., Nov., Dec.


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